No copyright infringement is intended from this application.
All characters belong to their rightful owners.
Part of a series were working on, this in number 1 of many to come !!!
In this app we will draw the characters from angry bird from scratch.
Even if you cant draw, have a go..... it really is easy !!
Tidak ada pelanggaran hak cipta dari aplikasi ini.
Semua karakter milik pemiliknya yang sah.
Bagian dari seri sedang dikerjakan, ini di nomor 1 dari banyak yang akan datang !!!
Dalam aplikasi ini kita akan menggambar karakter dari burung yang marah dari awal.
Bahkan jika Anda tidak dapat menggambar, silakan ..... sangat mudah !!
No copyright infringement is intended from this application.
All characters belong to their rightful owners.
Part of a series were working on, this in number 1 of many to come !!!
In this app we will draw the characters from angry bird from scratch.
Even if you cant draw, have a go..... it really is easy !!